A General Election has been announced for July 4th. The stakes couldn't be higher, and the time to act is now. This election will set the course of our country for years.

Our campaign is mobilising across the UK, standing against the politics of hate. We need immediate funds to cover leaflets, travel, and adverts—every resource necessary to counter hate in this critical election.

We can’t let this opportunity pass us by.

Please chip in to our fighting fund now. Your contribution can make all the difference.

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Since the last general election, we’ve witnessed a worrying increase in anti-migrant activism, rising prejudice against minority communities, growing hostility towards LGBT+ people, and the spread of climate conspiracy theories.

We will be campaigning against any candidates who cross our Red Lines.

That’s candidates with a history of hateful politics, dividing communities or being part of the growing Radical Right in this country. Our campaign is driven by values, not personalities.

Will you join us in this crucial cause?

Donate now