Karl McCartney's hateful politics

Karl McCartney, the Conservative MP for Lincoln, is stoking hate. 

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Social media activity

In the run up to the 2019 Election, McCartney retweeted posts from far-right activists like Katie Hopkins and Paul Joseph Watson, and shared articles promoting Tommy Robinson’s views.

He shared a letter Tommy Robinson released in prison that said, “I’ve always said I’d sacrifice my life tomorrow if it would end the Islamic takeover of our beautiful land.”

And in 2021 he retweeted a Tweet about the fuel crisis by fascist group, New British Union.

Anti gay marriage

In 2012, he claimed that introducing gay marriage would only affect a minority of people while “uprooting thousands of years of Christian tradition.”

He claimed the LGBTQIA community had ‘exhausted the cause of equal rights’. And that the argument for gay marriage “could end up” in polygamous and child marriages.

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