Stand against hate in politics

With a General Election called for 4th July, it’s time to take a stand against divisive politics.

Sign up to join our campaign against hate in politics.

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Since the last general election, we’ve witnessed a worrying increase in anti-migrant activism, rising prejudice against minority communities, growing hostility towards LGBT+ people, and the spread of climate conspiracy theories.

We will be campaigning against any candidates who cross our Red Lines.

That’s candidates with a history of hateful politics, dividing communities or being part of the growing Radical Right in this country. Our campaign is driven by values, not personalities.

Will you join us in this crucial cause?

    Who Are We?

HOPE not hate has a proud history of opposing the far right for 20 years. We have campaigned against the British National Party, English Defence League, UKIP and countless other far-right and fascist groups. But we have also called out racism and hate when it has come from mainstream politicians and parties.

While the traditional far-right presence at elections is a lot lower, the threat from a new populist right has grown. In the 2024 General Election the biggest threat to anti-fascism will come from the growing ‘Radical Right’ within the Conservative Party.

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